Integration services from iP.1

iP1sms Blog

SMS is a communication channel that offers an incredible number of uses

Here you can read about everything between heaven and earth when it comes to SMS and communication services

How do you create an effective SMS campaign for the holidays?

Holidays are a perfect time to increase sales of products and services with a well-planned SMS campaign. With Capacity SMS, you can easily create and send targeted SMS to your customers, regardless of your marketing experience. Since the service is web-based, all you have to do is log in to the service via a browser to be able to market […]

SMS Marketing is a very important instrument to increase sales for Your look...for Less!

The international mail-order company "Your Look...for Less!" (YLFL) has been established in Sweden since 2012. YLFL offers a wide range of fashion for women at reasonable prices. When YLFL was launched in Sweden, one of the challenges was to generate traffic to their webshop.

After analyzing various types of marketing channels, they chose to test SMS as one of the channels to reach out to their customers, which has been highly appreciated by their shoppers.

iP.1 streamlines customer measurements for 700 driving schools

Manual mailing of questionnaires and reminders are now a distant memory for the Swedish Association of Driving Schools, STR, and all its members, thanks to the continuous automatic SMS distribution from iP.1

Bravida sends SMS via Outlook 2013 – a unique service

Being able to send e-SMS directly via Outlook has long been a valued service. For some time now, iP1 has been able to offer this function also for users of Outlook 2013, as one of the very few players on the market. Among the diligent users is the nationwide installation company Bravida. “My colleagues and I use the system daily to send […]

iP.1 evaluates Skaraborgsdagen live with the help of Survey SMS

In January 2017, over 300 decision-makers from Skaraborg's fifteen municipalities gathered for Skaraborgsdagen in Vara concert hall to discuss future issues, with a series of well-known speakers. Skaraborg's municipal association was the host, while Next Skövde were the organizers. Before the event, Survey SMS was sent to all invitees to map expectations for the day, with a response rate of a whopping 70 […]

iP.1 SMS integrated into Flex HRM for personnel administration

Flex Applications in Örebro develops systems for personnel administration – tools for, for example, time reporting, scheduling, travel invoices, salaries and HR support for companies of all sizes. For a few years now, Flex Applications has been offering its customers integrated SMS services from iP.1.

iP.1 helps The Church of Sweden to evaluate the The operation

 The Church of Sweden in Lidköping has been using Analysis-SMS for many years in its work to evaluate and follow up the youth activities in the congregation, which has a total of around 12,000 members. Together with iP.1, we have developed a superbly flexible tool for evaluating the quality of our confirmation teaching and our other youth groups. Analysis SMS saves a lot […]

SMS marketing for Singles Day, Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday: Increase your sales with 4 tips

Singles Day, Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are three of the biggest shopping days of the year. During these days, it is especially important to be seen and heard in order to attract new customers and increase sales. SMS is an effective way to reach a large target group and create attention for your webshop. Below you will find […]

The advantage of SMS sending with Web SMS

SMS sending a practical method that can save both time and money. Web SMS from iP.1 offers a simple web service where you can send and receive SMS directly from your browser. This article goes through some of the benefits of SMS sending and how you can use SMS in your business as well as some tips along the way about [...]

SMS reminders are a flexible and effective method of communication

In today's fast-paced world, SMS reminders are a useful way to communicate with people quickly and personally. By sending short messages to mobile phones, companies and organizations can remind people of important meetings and deadlines wherever they are. SMS reminders are popular for several reasons. They help businesses make sure customers don't miss […]

Send SMS automatically at exactly the right time using an SMS API

Manually sending SMS is not always the most efficient, especially if you want to reach your customers or users on specific occasions, such as a purchase in the webshop or follow-up after the end of a support case. Then an SMS API is the perfect solution! It ties together your internal, quality-assured system, for example a CRM system, with the possibility of [...]

One Survey, a software with simplicity in focus!

As you ask, you get answers. We believe that the most important thing to consider when conducting a survey is to motivate your respondents to actually answer. Therefore, we have developed a survey solution that allows you to ask the important questions through any channel! With One Survey from iP.1 you can of course [...]

Marketing through two-way communication

Marketing in 2021 is very much about having a dialogue with your customers instead of the traditional one-way marketing message. Interacting with customers creates a stronger relationship, where both you as a business owner and your customers are winners. A dialogue can, among other things, mean valuable feedback on the products and services you market, as well as giving a stronger […]

iP.1 develops specially adapted tools for the Police for employee dialogue

Police - a varied and interesting job where you feel that you are making an important contribution to society, but which can be tough and stressful at the same time. An important part of ensuring that the staff is in focus at the Police and that they are supported in their professional role and development are the employee dialogues. These of course take place individually, but some in [...]

A permissive creative way of working for innovative customer solutions

The digital possibilities and forms of communication are developing at an ever faster pace. SMS still holds the position as the most used and fastest read way to communicate. SMS as a platform and how it can be used is also continuously developed, as are the systems around it that allow everything from mass sending to connections to other interactive systems, for example for [...]

Category: SMS

What does your organization or company's connection to this year's Christmas present look like?

What does your organization or company's connection look like to this year's Christmas present, the trangia kitchen? We think it should be pleasant, lively and like to organize outdoor activities when it comes to staff meetings or similar activities. The fact is that Sweden's outdoor life has increased during Covid-19, where, among other things, the Västkuststiftelsen, which manages 280 nature reserves in Västra Götaland and Halland […]

Now we increase the security of our services with the help of MFA

We live in a transparent society and should be grateful for that. At the same time, transparency must not lead us to be naive and too open when it comes to information worthy of protection. Login details as well as logins themselves are things that must of course be secure and protected. We at iP.1 have therefore introduced multi-factor authentication that our customers […]

Sure to be read – and quickly? Use SMS!

Your mobile screen lights up or the phone makes the characteristic sound: you have received an SMS. The statistics speak for themselves - within a few minutes you will have read it. It is clear that among all the information channels and despite all the opportunities we have to communicate, we prioritize SMS. There, too, the statistics speak [...]

Category: SMS

Crisis management with SMS – Then communication is essential

In the wake of the Corona pandemic, many have opened their eyes to the importance of fast, efficient and accurate crisis information. It is also about ensuring that the information reaches out and that it can be easily received and understood by the recipients. As with everything else, this works best if you are prepared. Which target group(s) […]

Category: SMS

Permanent Link to Delivery of gift to the Red Cross

Now is the time to hand over collected money from #sendit4ward to the Red Cross! It is about iP.1's contribution to the Red Cross's work for those hardest hit by Covid-19. Our contribution was that for every SEK 2,000 balance top-up that our customers made, we donated SEK 200 to the Red Cross. At the same time, we forwarded [...]

Support the Red Cross's relief work for those most affected by covid-19

It has now been a little more than a month since we started collecting money to support the Red Cross relief work for those most affected by Covid-19. If you want to join in and contribute by topping up your SMS balance, you can do this up to and including Thursday (2020-05-14). For each balance top-up [...]

What difference can your company make?

We want to thank all of you who participated and so far have collected SEK 3,000 for the Red Cross's work to help the people who have been hit the hardest by Covid-19! We continue to donate SEK 200 for every SEK 2,000 refill and hope that other companies take up the challenge. You and your company can make a difference too! #sendit4ward

Fast and effective crisis communication

How do you quickly and efficiently reach out to employees, customers or members? One of the fastest and most effective ways is of course via SMS. In a situation that requires that information needs to be communicated quickly to recipients, such as the social situation is right now with viruses that are spreading and causing various kinds of disturbances among […]

SMS marketing for Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

Soon they will be here! The big shopping days Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. Be in the game early and get sales pressure by sending SMS to your customers. Now it is also easier than ever to send really large volumes of SMS to your customers. With iP.1's new capacity SMS service, you can do it yourself [...]

Start the end of the summer with surveys via SMS for increased dialogue and knowledge!

After enjoying the summer, for most of us the priority is now on our work and customer relationships. New products and services must be launched, conferences planned and customer contacts nurtured. Our survey and analysis tool Analys-SMS makes it easy and flexible to get started with gathering knowledge needed for continued operations. […]

Nothing provides such quick information as surveys via SMS

What do your customers think? How did they experience the trip they were on or the conference? What did they think of the service you provided or the product they purchased? How do they think you can improve? The opportunities to capture knowledge and experience from your customers, visitors, patients, members or employees are great - if you get them to [...]

Time to sharpen your marketing potential with SMS marketing as we enter the beautiful month of May

How many times do we not pick up the mobile phone during the waking hours of the day? How many times is it not because of a received SMS? Think about your own use of the mobile phone. What makes you react the fastest to picking up the phone - a text message or an email? Measurements show that the response level is an average of 7.5 times [...]

iP.1 Networks AB – 15 years in the Telecom industry

15 years ago, on January 28, 2004, the company AB iP-1 Internet to businesses was started, with the focus on delivering a stable and secure internet connection to businesses in Skövde municipality. During the month of November, the same year, the subsidiary iP.1 Networks AB was started and laid the foundation for what is today an experienced telecom company in software development with simplicity [...]

Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday or both?

Now is the time to think about how to boost your marketing before the Black Friday weekend *). Take advantage of the opportunity to tell about the company's activities during 23-26/11. With iP.1's SMS services, you can invite and remind about the activities that your company will organize this weekend. You know that 90% of […]

World Emoji Day

In conjunction with World Emoji Day, we take the opportunity to release our new Emoji selector! Be sure to log in and try it yourself! You can find the emoji selector at the top right corner of the Message field. You will also notice that you can now easily and quickly attach images and PDF files directly to your message! The file is attached as [...]

How do your customers value your company?

Move the customer's heart closer Where your customers are on the scale is a fresh commodity, but with One Survey you have a living value meter in your hand. It gives you quick results and the tools to quickly catch unhappy customers and do what you can to move them on the scale towards being satisfied and at least […]

iP.1 wishes you all a happy Easter!

iP.1 wishes everyone a Happy Easter! The best way to give your customers attention is an Easter greeting via SMS! You do know that you can attach files or surveys as a link in a regular SMS? Enter the application and try it out right now! Have a really nice Easter! Sincerely. […]

RixData Integrates invitations via SMS through iP.1 SMS Gateway

More and more IT companies are turning to iP.1 to integrate automatic SMS into various software. The need for smart SMS functions is increasing and the iP.1 takes on the challenge of integrating SMS into existing systems in as simple and smooth a way as possible. The most recent addition is the IT company RixData, which since 1985 has built journal programs and journal systems in the healthcare industry [...]

How do I create a good survey?

When it comes to surveys, the most important factor is the response rate. We at iP.1 have worked hard to create a survey tool that gives you a higher than average response rate. We wanted to share the experience we have when it comes to creating and sending surveys and have therefore created a [...]

Gardeco Business system with integrated SMS function

Gardeco has knowledge of many different databases and always works to ensure that the customer gets all the information from their existing business system when they move over to Gardeco. iP1 SMS collaborates with Gardeco, which has an integrated SMS function for customers to be able to notify customer orders. Gardeco also has support for manually sending [...]

This is how your webshop grows with SMS sending

SMS sending opens up new opportunities for companies with a webshop. With SMS, customer relations can be strengthened and sales can increase. For example, customers use a discount coupon sent via SMS 10 times more than a paper coupon with the exact same offer. 6 tips on how SMS sending makes your webshop grow Track customer behavior Monitor and analyze customer behavior. What is it […]

Is your business ready for this year's Christmas shopping?

Christmas is creeping up and many patties must be purchased. PostNord estimates that Swedes will buy Christmas presents for 20 billion kroner this year, with e-commerce playing an increasingly important role. Three out of ten Christmas presents are expected to be purchased online. Over 6 billion kroner will be spent on online purchases, which is an increase of a whopping 24% from last year. E-commerce is increasing more and more for [...]

Now we are launching a new webshop and a new version of WebbSMS

With our new webshop, it will be even easier to top up your account with SMS balance and activate services and extra services. Now you can also shop directly, regardless of whether you have an account or not. For new customers, an account is created directly at checkout. With our smart SMS calculator, you always have an idea of ​​how much it costs, […]

This is how customers prefer to communicate with companies

There are many different ways to communicate with customers. But which way do customers prefer to communicate? OneReach has surveyed customer communications with over 2,000 Americans. The result shows that 64% prefers to contact customer service via SMS than a phone call. Many people find it frustrating and time-consuming to stand in a telephone queue for several minutes for […]

Strengthen your customer relations with SMS

Good customer relations are the basis for loyal and satisfied customers. With digital communication, it is possible to create a more personal dialogue with the customer, which increases the company's chances of loyal customers, more sales and better business. Today, companies encourage consumers to take the first step to contact, which many times fails because it is too time-consuming […]