SMS services from iP.1

Send SMS with your email client with Mail2SMS from iP.1

Mail2SMS has long been an effective and useful option and means that you can easily send an SMS to one or more recipients, directly from your email client.

With Mail2SMS from iP.1, you only need an account and an SMS balance, alternatively one of our advantageous post-invoicing packages, then you're up and running!

How does Mail2SMS work?

Sending SMS from e-mail is as easy as sending an e-mail:

  1. Start by entering the address of our SMS server in the address field
  2. Continue by entering the desired sender in the subject field
  3. Enter your recipient's mobile number in the message field within chevrons (Ex: {46712345678})
  4. Last but not least, you finish by writing your message in the message field under your mobile numbers
  5. Then just press send!

We also offer the option of receiving replies to your sent SMS. By using so-called virtual mobile numbers, you can easily receive incoming SMS. You also have the option of forwarding the incoming message to any e-mail address.

Mail2SMS regardless of e-mail client

You can use Mail2SMS to manually send SMS in an email message in any email client, whether it's a web-based service or an installed program. Of course, you can also integrate the service into an existing system that handles e-mails.

Thanks to an innovative account and user system, you also have access to our web services, which give you the opportunity to make full use of SMS as a channel, whether it's SMS reminders, alarms or marketing!

Send and receive SMS directly via email

Together with a virtual number, you can both send and receive SMS directly in your e-mail client, regardless of whether you use an installed e-mail program such as Outlook or a web service such as Gmail. Mail2SMS can be used for all devices that support email sending, regardless of whether it is a hand-held mobile phone, computer or an industrial machine with SMTP support.

You can easily forward incoming e-mails as SMS to one or more recipients, the only thing you need to add is your sender and a list of numbers to send to!

How do I activate Mail2SMS?

Start by opening a test account or get started immediately with an active account in our webshop. Then activate Mail2SMS by following the wizard

Need help?

Contacts us and we will guide you!

  • Create a Free trial account
  • Sign in to the User Portal
  • Go to accounts
  • Tap overview of your account
  • Go to the Mail2SMS tab
  • Activate Mail2SMS by pressing the lever