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API Documentation

SMS is a communication channel that offers an incredible number of uses

Take a look at our articles to find out how others are using SMS and communication services from iP.1!

Update subaccount

Update Sub-Account Update an individual sub-account Endpoint Endpoint: PUT /api/me/children/{child} This endpoint allows you to update an individual sub-account linked to an account. Call data type ID An individual sub-account's unique account ID Name An individual sub-account label or name. Response Data Type Key An individual subaccount's API key. Parent An individual subaccount's parent account. Type An individual subaccount's account type. Balance An individual sub-account […]

List sub-accounts

List sub-accounts List all sub-accounts Endpoint Endpoint: GET /api/me/children This endpoint allows you to list all sub-accounts linked to an account. List individual child account Endpoint Endpoint: GET /api/me/children{child} This endpoint allows you to list an individual child account associated with an account. Response Data Type Key An individual subaccount's API key. Parent An individual subaccount's parent account. Type An individual subaccount's account type. Balance One […]

Create sub-account

Create sub-account Create a new sub-account Endpoint Endpoint: POST /api/me/children This endpoint allows you to create a new sub-account, subordinate to your main account. Call data type Name The label of the account. For example, department name or other name that alludes to the purpose of the account. Response Data Type Key A subaccount's API key. Parent A subaccount's parent account. Type A subaccount's account type. Balance A sub-account's balance level. Can consist of a […]

Details account

Details account Get details for subaccount Endpoint Endpoint: GET /api/me/account This endpoint gives you a detail list for an individual account according to the response data type below. Response Data Type Key An individual account's API key. Parent An individual account's parent account. Type An individual account's account type. Balance An individual account's balance level. Can consist of a negative number or positive number depending on which [...]

Account overview

Overview accounts Endpoint Endpoint: GET /api/me This endpoint gives you an overview of your main account account, Response data type Account An individual account's unique ID consisting of the prefix ip1- followed by a number of numbers. Organization Name of the company/organization that is the owner of the account. Type an individual account's account type, Swedish or international. Accounts of the Swedish type are only suitable for SMS traffic within Sweden. All traffic outside […]

Manage page elements

Manage page elements Reading a collection of landing page elements Endpoint: GET v2/landings/{landingId}/elements This endpoint gives you a collection of the elements on a specific landing page. See data type definition below. Read a specific element Endpoint: GET v2/landings/{landingId}/elements/{elementId} This endpoint gives you a specific element on a landing page Update an element Endpoint: PUT v2/landings/{landingId}/elements/{elementId} This endpoint lets […]

Managing landingpages

Manage landing pages Read a collection of landing pages Endpoint: GET v2/landings This endpoint provides you with a collection of landing pages for which you can see the data type definition below. Read a single landing page Endpoint: GET v2/landings/{landingId} This endpoint gives you a single specific landing page. Update a landing page Endpoint: PUT v2/landings/{landingId} This endpoint allows you to update a specific landing page, […]

Status codes

Status Codes Summary This is a summary of what each status code group means. The way our status blocks work is that if, for example, the code starts with 1, the status belongs to the status group Info. This allows us to add new status codes while your software can still handle these new status codes without being explicitly developed for […]

Summary Contacts

Summary Contacts Endpoint: GET v2/contacts/meta This endpoint provides a summary of the contact data stored in the contact system Response Data Type totalCount The total number of contacts stored. labels An entry for each label used. labels.labelName The name of the label labels.usageCount The number of stored contacts assigned to the label properties One record for each property used. properties.propertyName The name/key of the property. properties.usageCount The number of […]

Mass operations

Mass operations These endpoints perform so-called mass operations and can sometimes be destructive or "dangerous" as data can disappear if it is not used correctly. Delete contacts by filtering Endpoint: DELETE v2/contacts This endpoint allows you to delete all contacts that match the applied filters. These are the same filters as for listing contacts (see […]

Managing Contacts

Manage contacts Read a collection of contacts Endpoint: GET contacts This endpoint gives you a collection of contacts for which you can see the definition of the contacts document below. This collection can be filtered by properties, metadata and/or labels using query parameters. Metadata is only available if meta is added as a query parameter. Examples of filters Read a single […]


Manage labels These endpoints update all contacts in the perspective from a label and return a summary of the label in question. Add a label for multiple contacts Endpoint: POST /v2/labels/{labelName}/contacts This endpoint allows you to add a label to many contacts at once. It takes a collection of Contact IDs Example Input: Delete a label Endpoint: DELETE /v2/labels/{labelName} […]

Send SMS

Send SMS Endpoint Endpoint: POST /v2/batches Send one or more SMS Call data type At its core, the endpoint for Send SMS needs the following values: These values will directly send a message to each recipient with the message text "A very nice message ". The sender of the message will be "Testnos" sender A Call will be rejected if Sender: […]


Manage settings Each account can have a number of settings for SMS services. These can be managed with the endpoints below. After endpoints is a list of available settings and their data types. When you set a preference, it is either created or replaced, depending on whether it has been previously set. A removed setting either reverts to a global […]

Register sender

Register senders Before you can use our API, you need to register one or more senders. You can have as many senders as you want and you can then unregister the ones you don't need. In order for you to be able to use your own sender, one of our subscriptions is required, alternatively the extra service "Any Sender", which is purchased separately if you [...]

Receive incoming SMS

Ta emot inkommande SMS Om en callback URL för inkommande SMS anges i kontoinställningarna skickas inkommande SMS-meddelanden till den webbadressen när de är tillgängliga. Innehållet i dessa SMS-meddelanden beskrivs nedan. Vårt system skickar inkommande SMS med POST och förväntar sig ett svar på 200 OK om SMS:et levereras korrekt. Om någon annan status (dvs. en felstatus) tas emot kommer […]

Receive delivery reports

Ta emot leveransrapporter Om en URL för leveransrapporter har angetss när en batch skapas, kommer rapporter över statusuppdateringar att skickas till den URL så fort de finns tillgängliga. Innehållet i dessa rapporter är beskrivna nedan. Systemet skickar ut rapporter genom metoden POST och förväntar sig ett 200 OK i respons om rapporten tagits emot korrekt. Om någon responsen består […]

Reading messages

List Messages When you list messages, it is always in the context of a batch. A message cannot exist outside of a batch, therefore a message is always placed hierarchically subordinate to a batch. List a collection of messages Endpoint: GET /v2/batches/{batch}/messages This endpoint provides you with all messages in a batch with latest associated delivery reports according […]


Conversations Read messages or a summary of messages related to specific participants. This may, for example, involve conversations between you and a specific customer. Messages Read messages to and/or from a provided participant. The returned data is a paginated list of the same type shown in the List Messages section. Sorted chronologically by creation date. mt is […]

Managing black list

Manage Blacklist Your account has a blacklist of phone numbers that have somehow been blocked from receiving SMS. This can be done by using these APIs or by the recipient responding with 'STOP' or using the extra service 'unsubscribe link'. Response data type msisdn The blocked mobile number in MSISDN format. created A timestamp of when the number was added [...]


Batch - Grouping of messages List a collection of batches Endpoint: GET /v2/batches This endpoint will give you a collection of batches, as defined by batch below. Note that messageSummary and priceSummary are only available in the endpoint for individual batches. Batches are listed in chronological order by the date they were created. List a single Batch Endpoint: GET […]


Introduction RESTful APIs from iP.1 Get started Our SMS API allows you to connect your web services and applications to mobile operators worldwide and is designed to handle high volumes of SMS traffic and is perfectly suited for, among other things, larger group mailings in e.g. marketing , but also single mailings for automated SMS alerts etc. Create an account For […]

API Documentation

We at iP.1 think it should be easy to develop and have complete documentation of all our APIs. Choose above which API you want to implement by clicking on the respective box. Discover the possibilities of our APIs By downloading our demo app, you can take a tour of our APIs to discover functionality […]