Maximize your sales with effective SMS and Email marketing during big shopping days!

During big shopping days like Singles Day, Black Friday, the annual Christmas shopping and other important trading periods there is a huge opportunity to increase your sales and reach new customers. By using a combined strategy of SMS and email marketing, you can create strong campaigns that engage customers and drive traffic to your webshop. Here are some strategies and tips on how to optimize your marketing efforts and maximize your sales during these intense periods.

Contact Lists - Unlock the potential of your customer data

Our contact tool helps you collect all necessary customer information in one place. Here you can easily add email addresses, phone numbers and other relevant data, such as country, city and previous purchases. By keeping your database up to date, you ensure that your messages reach the right people.

To make your campaigns more effective, you can divide your customers into smaller groups based on common characteristics. For example, you can create groups based on age, interests or previous purchases. In this way, you can send out more relevant and personalized offers to each group.

The more detailed information you have about your customers, the better you can tailor your marketing messages. Our app makes it easy for you to organize and sort your customer data. Once you've created your customer segments, you can use them for different campaigns. It's like having several different templates that you can adapt to different needs.

Create Anticipation with Preview Ads

Start by sending detailed email previews of upcoming offers and discounts. Then you can use SMS to create a more personal connection with your customers.

By combining these two channels, you can increase both your reach and customer engagement. In addition, One Channel offers features to easily schedule multiple campaigns, allowing you to plan your marketing efforts well in advance. You will also find a campaign calendar that provides insight into other important shopping events and the ability to create campaign proposals, both for SMS and e-mail.

Make Clear and Engaging Offers

Send out text messages with concise, direct offers and use email for more detailed information and to highlight specific products or product categories. Remember to keep SMS short and concise for quick delivery of the most relevant offers, while email can be used to provide a more in-depth presentation.

Use personalization for Both Channels

Using past purchase history and customer data, you can tailor offers that feel relevant and interesting to each individual customer. One Channel provides the ability to use dynamic content, where you can insert contact data directly into the message, which can make the messages even more engaging.

Use Clear Calls to Actions and Discounts

For SMS, keep the CTA short and direct, for example "Shop now" or "Visit our webshop". For email, consider using visually appealing buttons and clear CTAs to guide the customer to your offer. A strong CTA combined with an enticing discount or exclusive offer can motivate customers to act quickly.

Optimize the timing of your mailings

With the help of One Channel's campaign calendar, you can see which days and times of day your recipients are most likely to click on your buttons or links.

You can also use data from previous campaigns to identify the best times to reach your target audience. Sending emails in the morning or early evening often results in higher open and click rates.

Additional tips along the way

Create Engaging and Valuable Content

For SMS, keep messages short and concise with clear offers. For email marketing, focus on creating content that is both engaging and valuable to the recipient.

Use images, product recommendations and reviews to make the content more interesting. SMS are perfect carriers for discount codes or landing pages that lead to more information. Don't forget that One Channel lets you create your own mobile landing pages with images, videos and text. The landing page is then linked directly in your SMS, with the possibility to follow up on how many people visited the landing page.

Follow Up and Analyze Your Results

After your campaigns have been sent out, it is important to carefully analyze the results. Use tools like delivery reports and campaign statistics for both SMS and email to understand what worked well and what can be improved for next time.

Understanding customer behaviors and response can help you optimize future campaigns for even better results.

Automate and Schedule Your Mailings

By using automation tools for both SMS and email marketing, you can schedule your mailings and optimize timing based on customer behavior and preferences. This allows you to send the right message at the right time without having to monitor the process manually, saving time and increasing efficiency.

With our APIs, you can create your own flow for marketing that is, for example, based on events on your website or in your webshop. If you want a customized automatic system for marketing, please contact us and we will provide you with a quote!

Marketing with One Channel

Big shopping days to keep an eye on during autumn 2024!

  1. Singles Day - Originally a Chinese tradition, Singles Day has evolved into a global shopping festival. November 11 every year attracts millions of people around the world to find bargains
  2. Black Friday - Black Friday, a traditional shopping holiday that marks the start of Christmas shopping, begins on November 29, 2024.
  3. Cyber Monday - Cyber Monday, a digital shopping party with a focus on e-commerce, always falls on the Monday after Black Friday. This year, 2024 Cyber Monday takes place on December 2nd.

Keep an eye out for other exciting themed marketing days in One Channel's Campaign Calendar!