Multi-factor authentication via SMS
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) not only gives your customers' accounts a higher level of security – you also protect your own system against junk accounts and malicious bot logins.
Create an account, copy the example code and paste into your project, then you are ready to increase the security of your system!
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an extra layer of security to ensure that it really is the right person trying to log in.
The most common approach is to use MFA linked to the regular login process, which is activated when a user has entered their password. The system then sends out a verification code via SMS to the user's registered mobile number, which the user then fills in to confirm their login.
Why should I use multi-factor authentication?
For example, using only usernames and passwords to secure your online accounts, which used to be the standard, is no longer an optimal security solution thanks to the increasingly frequent problem of data breaches which, among other things, are carried out to steal important information, such as credit card details, social security numbers and other sensitive data.
When you use MFA in connection with login, it becomes much and much more difficult for unauthorized persons to access devices and digital services than when, for example, only a password is used. Protect your systems or your customers' accounts by integrating multi-factor authentication through iP.1's smart SMS API.
Global blacklist for disposable numbers
När du integrerar MFA från iP.1 får du automatisk tillgång till vår globala blacklist som består av virtuella nummer och e gångsnummer som använts vid bland annat kontoregistreringar av botar och annan form av illasinnad aktivitet. Du kan läsa mer om hur du avgör ifall ett nummer är ett så kallat engångsnummer på vår Github page eller på plugin-sidan hos Node.js
Blacklisten är dessutom utmärkt att använda för att exempelvis kontrollera nummer som anges vid exempelvis kontoregistrering i en registreringsprocess. Du har givetvis också möjlighet att själv lägga till nummer till blacklisten för att se till dessa nummer inte används i andra system.
As simple as that!
Create a free developer account and then paste the code from our code samples, then you're ready to start sending MFA!
Using our extensive documentation page, you can easily create an MFA flow in your own system or software in no time.
Do you need help?
No problem! Our development team is ready to guide you in your integration, just give us a call or send us a mail and we will help you!